TC & Ng Master Legacy是一间资产与遗嘱规划公司,我们的宗旨是帮助您规划自身的资产,从而保护家庭与心爱的家人。TC & Ng Master Legacy是由一群训练有素且熟练的专业资产与遗嘱规划师组成,目标是确保您拥有最全面的保障,以保护您与您所爱的家人。我们的办公室位于雪兰莪巴生,但我们所提供的服务却是遍布全马来西亚的每一个角落。无论您是在考虑起草您的第一份遗嘱,或已经制定了遗产计划,我们将为您在生活中遭遇到的问题,寻找出最佳的解决方案,并依据您所需制定最合适的应对。
TC & Ng Master Legacy is a Will drafting company that helps individuals and business owners like you to protect their families and their assets with realistic, straightforward estate planning. TC & Ng Master Legacy is made up of highly skilled professional will advisors, whose objective it is to ensure that you have comprehensive cover in place to protect your family and loves one. Our office is at Klang, Selangor, but we provide estate planning, will writing and probate service throughout the whole Malaysia. Our approach is to find the best solution for the problems in your life, whether you are considering drafting your first will or already have an estate plan in place, we will help you develop a strategy that addresses your immediate needs and plans for the future.