Trueventus Sdn Bhd


Trueventus foundation lies in the drive to deliver Timely, Relevant, Unique Events. With the aim of converging myriad of global industries, Trueventus upends the conventional way of developing enterprises capabilities via True relations. Diving headfirst into contemporary trends and technologies, ventures and trials, Trueventus are equipped with vast industrial knowledge to enrich both established and nascent businesses.

Mission Statement

Trueventus seeks to transform businesses through an established channel in the professional Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, Exhibitions industry. Strengthen by our distinctive features in delivering illuminating events to the luminaries of the industry; we stand for success and enterprise.

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Values & Beliefs

Excellence | Integrity | Teamwork
Trueventus is powered by professionals from all rank-and-file committed to deliver lucrative ends to our clients through the nourishment of industrial connectivity. Guided by insight and teamwork, we stand together in our devotion to excellence.

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Vision Statement

Trueventus believes in realizing industrial ideas for professional and corporations to share and learn from one another – imparting changes to the conventional way of doing business.

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Our Team

Trueventus is equipped with decades of combined experience in Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, Exhibitions industry, coupled with a blooming business across Asia-Pacific and dedicated international affiliates. With aims to become the nexus of reference for industry movers and providing sought-upon knowledge to our clients and customers, we exploit our competitive edge to create a channel for business development and network building.

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