A wedding online platform that offers a wedding directory and deals in Malaysia
Discover wedding vendors for Malay, Chinese and Indian weddings.
Couples can find and connect with wedding vendors that matches their needs.
Find what you are looking for by type of wedding, category, location and even near you. It is fast and easy to use helping you save time and money.
Moving the wedding industry forward in the digital economy
Thanks to new technologies, the smartphone and the internet, couples planning their wedding have access to many wedding businesses and professionals at their fingertips. But when everything you can find is everywhere on the internet, it can get stressful to find exactly what you dreamed.
Make wedding planning easier using one app
With Weddingmate and 10 years of experience in online business, marketing consulting, and our own experiences in getting married, we found a need to change wedding planning: by searching and matching wedding vendors and everything a couple needs for their wedding in one online platform.
The wedding vendors are conveniently arranged by the culture-type of wedding and other selections to target your search.
To enhance your wedding planning experience, we aim to offer wedding deals and always strive to improve and make your wedding plans easier in order to help save you time and money. We want to ensure everyone can make their dream wedding a reality easily and budget-friendly with WeddingMate