TMT Solutions Sdn Bhd (“TMTS”) was founded in 2007 with the objective of driving profitability into its parent company - Thunder Match Technology Sdn Bhd. Originally, our mainstream revenue was mainly derived from sales of computer and IT peripherals, and provisioning of systems integration services to corporate customers.
To embrace the paradigm shift in ICT industry, TMTS is constantly realigning its business strategies by placing greater emphasis on innovation and developing human capital to provide cutting edge open source related solutions and services. While we continue to generate revenue from our existing systems integration services, we aim to be the premier open source solutions and services provider in Malaysia in the next 3 years. It also echoes the prospect of expanding our business coverage in ASEAN / Asian countries. TMTS is supported by dedicated sales and technical team who has an extensive experience in implementing projects in the enterprise market. [Mission and Vision] We will pursue our Purpose, Mission, and Vision to the limit of our abilities while not compromising the following Principles: