在2009年建立了"ezbuy",新加坡第一家也是最大最完善的网上专业代购平台。竭诚为居住在新加坡和马来西亚的各位朋友代购国外(中国&台湾&美国)的商品,并解决您跨国购物付款检查货物运输海关等系列问题。ezbuy自推出以来就受到了广泛的关注。推出不久,在2011年1月,U频道新闻报道了新加坡居民从淘宝购物的热潮,并且详细介绍了ezbuy之后,淘宝代购逐渐成为一种被新马居民广泛接受的新兴购物方式。ezbuy也得到了更多的支持,拥有更广阔的客服群,从不满20岁的高中生到60多岁的叔叔阿姨们,从华人到马来,印度朋友,甚至欧美的客户朋友们。ezbuy秉持着以客户为本的服务理念,不断创新拓展服务内容,力求不论从深度和广度上都能够为客户提供更便利的服务,帮客户购买到物美价廉的商品。随着全球第一的代购iphone app在2012年7月的诞生,我们把网络代购的模式从电脑端拓展到移动手机终端,使这样的购物习惯渗透到客户生活中的任何时刻任何地点。随后,i周刊,海峡时报(Straits Times),The New Paper都相继采访报导了ezbuy带来的新兴购物体验。在2012年,ezbuy马来西亚分公司正式成立"Ching International Service (Malaysia) SDN.BHD" (1046039-K). 我们在Jalan Kencana Cheras的客服中心及取货点也正式开始运营,以更好的服务马来西亚客户。
CHING INTERNATIONAL SERVICE (M) SDN BHD is a dedicated provider of professional online shopping services.
Founded in 2010 by a group of aspiring entrepreneurs, ezbuy quickly rose to become Singapore’s first and largest overseas shopping platform. Introduced by Channel 8 news, Channel U Money Week, Straits Times and many other national media, 65daigou and its service become more recognized and popular.
As of today, we provide shopping service from China, Taiwan, USA for more than 500,000 Singaporeans, 50,000 Malaysians, Australians and Thai people. We strive towards service excellence while keeping our focus more on local demands so as to develop new services that better suit our customers. We will expand our service to more countries.
When global network connects anyone to anything via internet, we acquire and transport anything to everyone that we serve. Technology makes life easier, service brings more comforts, we leverage on technology and dedicated to providing better service, ultimately, we hope, we create a better lifestyle, simple and convenient.
Creating more convenient lifestyle to people in small and medium sized countries.
A 3 Billion Company: We let customers save USD 1 Billion, We help sellers earn USD 1 Billion more, We share USD 1 Billion among our employees.
Customer-Oriented; Result-Focused
Love; Humbleness; Passion; Efficiency