XTS Technologies is a global leading Industry Technology Provider. Our Business start with purity process management in surface treatment technology solution in cleaning industry for all field of industry. From there we move on to robotic automation for industrial conveyor, handling material and extend into Robot Handling Special purpose automation. Moving forward to industry 4.0 we have also venture into industrial software such as OEE, SPC, Visual Quality checking and Inspection.
At XTS, our mission to help the never ceasing growth of global manufacturing through technology driven and state of the art industry solutions, with-out neglecting the essence of cost effectiveness.
The nature of our business varies from precision industrial cleaning solution, filtration system, automation, robot idustrial customised software & engineering all the way to trading.
Our ‘Excellent Total Solution’ strategy builds on our expertise in technology and outsourcing to help our clients perform at the highest levels so they can create sustainable value for their clients and shareholders.